poetic-0 No. 2

table and coffee

          catch a falling red
          from the bigger down up

just before the end of the

I mean: "after" [supernova].

doesn't happen for world, and,
except "end" is beginning for [conv.]

integrating atoms?
[reasonable outrage] with:
"Who do you think you are--an antiquated, venerated

[helium-filled] paper

doesn't float unless
sufficient prostration [proximate]

[at "It is floating" qualifiers]?

Table atom and coffee atom have backs facing--
like in the start of a romance movie. We anticipate their meeting, pine for it, yearn for the fulfillment of our own desires through them

[as the stars are shedding from beyond a forgotten cosmos].
And suddenly a roof is made of these atoms housing friends and civilizations--sheltered from harmless [desirable] stardust debris.

[A] helium [balloon]
less pretenses
than helium-filled paper

          [just like]
a bolt of lightening
pretense-negation [presumption] at fire

I wished for a red-haired star being [And]
a coincidental sugar dispensary [became available]
in the concert of coffee.

at a ladder altitude, the

paper box [full of records] descended

integrated table and coffee atom[s], oh man!

have [atomic] sex
hand-towel-dabbing hand
paper-collecting hand
and noise was:
                              Stellar Object, I love you.

[with other] coffee dropping
to the [another] table

[atomic culture]
communicating in records

fire [substitute] but
sun jealousy but
not because [of] fire, and
who can blame him/her?

Integrated atoms, already?
Yes, but, weren't you there too?

[poetic-0 No. 2] sections 1-6, est. 2010, 04, 13
song of coffee atom

[table] atom
civilizations: ("did I mention?")
     coffee, table [atoms]
reports of dropping off table
reports of evaporation--horror
     [apparent void surface
                atomic coffee void(s)]
wild speculation about:
     other tables [and]
     other coffees

what of paper box?
[and] table [atom] mystery
[and] stellar object [red] strand mystery


  1. This is completely fantastic! It's entirely new. Where did it come from? Maybe you should send it out somewhere, a magazine or something? Having just returned from the AWP Conference in Denver, and having glimpsed a kind of poetic zeitgeist (not so different from zombie zeitgeist), I would say this poetic of yours would find a broader audience. I will think about places to send it to. . . Congratulations for writing it!! XO

  2. Poet--good stuff. A return to the dada, I see. Love juxtaposition of experimental language usage with evocative imagery. Stanzas 3, 5, 6+ struck me most. Floyd

