SCH poetic

Salazaar announced:

[g]God doesn't exist,
but raindeer DO exist,
and they believe in [g]God!


For The Myth of Speed
 --coming across Nevada remembering Alaska

The dinosaur bones
emerge from wind on dry sand
 like the universe.

Some qwik-stop-gas-shops
have formica booths in there
 made of RED and LIME.

Some all-night truck-stops
have restaurants with fresh brew,
 ceramics and steel.

A waitress might be coming
to take our take out orders.

The ad depicts polar bears drinking,
out in the snow, in arctic or Alaska
 and specifically NOT eating human gingerbread men;

my old, Alaskan friend informed me
that two shots from a 50 caliber rifle
 might, perhaps, stop a hungry polar bear--but not likely.

Strangely, Sappho permits being eaten by bears--
 her body, like the prophets', never found.

She imparts sentiments from the culture of her world--
 sitting in a chair where now sits a new starlet.

The futurists once produced reasons,
some, for wanting to stop the expansion,
to make the universe live forever,
to stop decay of matter and collapse of electrons.

 50 thousand years from the nuclear tests, from now,
 the humans should be able to beware the test sites
 and know to avoid settling and building there; how?

The newspaper headline reads: "Amazing infant steals cattle!"

20 billion years ago does not exist;
 it never did--not in this universe anyway.


 Infernal Gravity Well
  "Earth, Still Our Only Home"

We are all devils--at war.
Even among us who forget the survival of the gods,
excuse me, I mean: ancestors: grandpas, grandmas
 (and Santa Claus--whom they spawned);
we forget being spawned in the delight of their unions,
with dreary grit in sheets, celebrating Nike.

(Once Upon a Time):
And as someone who is almost as big as an amoeba--
fighting my little germ war against all those amoebas--
though I have no conscious memory of the event--
 I'm sure the genesis was no cakewalk.
 Maybe we share this quality of history.

(Infernal Gravity Well):
So I was going to slam my enemy
against the infernal surface of the sun
when I caught a glimpse of a great rock falling;
that's when I decided to pin my enemy there
 between the globe and that smashing object.

Cringing, I expected to sense the enormous explosion
as the asteroid crushed my enemy into the big crater
 in the earth--created by the colossal collision.

However, anti-shock occurred, when it missed, to my surprise,
and my enemy flung ME out into the outer atmosphere
where I found myself asphyxiating and falling faster at the sun
 with no way to get back to my beloved earth.

The life flashed before my head--big banging;
I remembered being the king of beasts. Is the sun a beast?

5oo megatons per second ^2
is my guess at the sun's magnitude of love.
 The mass of the object attracts everything.

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