holding hands utility to movie theater

Neo-Dynamic Cubism, No. 1 (Mongkok)

how ordinary matter
(in the form of machines, buildings, and people), 
in a complex city of great energy and density, 
adopts an elusive quality: 
where the eye fails, 
reason imagines, having deduced

multiple velocities and complexity, 
translucence occurs at advanced perceptions


looking twice: eonic interval 
Remove the red paint off the old statues
of Pluto, Jupiter, Poseidon, and Neptune
or make new statues in the places
they used to be or in new places--
where they had never stood--

because, according to me, those expressions are still relevant.
New statu(r)es not Olympian? ok, but rational velocity as such.

1 comment:

  1. i wish there were more boxes to choose from than "funny" "interesting" and "cool." such as "provocative" or "redolent" or "sublime" or "puzzling" or "beautiful" or "brilliant."

    i have my own interpretation of "looking twice," but will have to look more than twice to get a fuller scope.

    if you moved the "n" over just 2 letters you'd be "dance"

