poetic-0 No.5

i want people to die
and to that end i have devised many schemes

such as:
the giant stadium-sized oval cylinder
to be lowered around a stadium
and drowned [splash]


the giant stadium-sized big hole
with a trap door [*lever* whoosh]


the giant stadium-sized steam roller
[chug chug chug chug]


the asteroid diverting rocket
with giant stadium trajectory [blast]

i have hand selected hundreds of thousands
of names from several phone books with the
intention of inviting them all to

a big stadium to meet their end(s)
but first, i must tell them i love them
i must tell them, my lovers, my friends,
that i love them--and

it is a lot of work [tedious]
calling them.

i called one man, a mr. harold oaks,
of des moines, to let him know

that he was on my list of people
to be invited to a big stadium
to be killed with thousands of others

and i told him that i loved him
as a friend--nothing more/
nothing sexual--just friends

i let him know that the actual
location of the mass death happening

is still tentative,
but it will, in all likelihood,
be in a big stadium and that
he will be expected to provide
his own means of transportation,

and i thanked him for his patience.

likewise, i called mrs. margaret fildeburger,
of des moines,
to let her know that she was on my list
of names of people to be invited to a
giant stadium to be killed along with
thousands of other people, and i told her

that the date hadn't been set yet.

i subsequently found out that mrs. flideberger
had been married but that that had ended,
years ago, in a divorce. she told me that
she had had a lover but that was over now.

i told her that i loved her, but also that
i wanted her to understand that i didn't
expect her to value my sentiment above
the feelings that she must have for those
[lovers] with whom she had had significant
relationships--especially since we had only
talked (once) on the phone.

i called a mr. mark lipsky (des moines), but
there was no answer--left a message.

i called agnes chapman, of des moines, and
her husband, mr. chapman, answered. i told
mr. chapman that i love agnes as a friend,

and i wanted her to know that. i told
mr. chapman that i was planning a mass death
happening and that agnes chapman was invited

to attend but that the date and location
hadn't been set yet, and agnes chapman should
expect to provide her own means of

transportation and that i will call back to
keep agnes chapman apprized of further developments.

mr. chapman wanted to hear more information--
apparently he was under the impression that
agnes chapman was being invited to be
a kind of spectator. i let it go.

poetic-0 No. 4

after having watched
plan nine from outer space (again)
i was suddenly struck with
the horrifying possibility
that the dead may never
rise again [like zombies]

without aliens to arrive (
with a stupid plan to impress us
out of our scientific frenzy
(saving the universe for themselves)
without aliens and their
stupid plan to ressurect
three dead people in some
out of the way town
in the middle of nowhere
to be witnessed by a handful
of hardly bewildered nobodies
who are too distracted
by their desire to kill aliens
to notice what a great feat
that raising dead people is)
and get killed by us

and what if that turns out
to be really true?

what if the dead
never rise again


instead, remain unrisen
in their graves for eons
their molecules dispersing
in all directions, intermingling
with the molecules of substances

sifting through the ground water
and meeting magma and high pressure
their calcium molecules becoming
lost amid other calciums
and earth calciums?

and what if the deified people
never return like they were
supposed to?--either

due to the fact that they
never really left, but instead
accomplishing the same kind
of molecule dispersion that
their non-deified human counterparts

or else due to the possibilty
that they forgot all about us
a billion years from now?


what if civilizations of new
species develop--with their own
languages and shopping malls

walking all over our dispersed
molecules with no awareness of
our ever having existed
due to he erosion of the
